Junior Accountant, Rs. 5200-20200 (PB-1) with Grade pay of Rs. 2400/-
B.Com + 2 years relevant experience + knowledge of accounting softwareApplications with full particulars quoting advertisement No. E-07/09-10 together with a Demand Draft of Rs.50/- (No application fee for SC/ST candidates) drawn on a nationalized Bank payable at Mumbai,in favour of IIT Gandhinagar Account and copies of
certificates/testimonials, caste (in case of OBC, latest non-creamy layer certificate is essential) etc. should reach the Registrar , IIT Bombay, Powai, Mumbai – 400 076 on or before 25th June, 2009.Application form and other details are obtainable from the website www.iitb.ac.in (under Section 'Staff Recruitments')