Central Government
Department of Atomic Energy
Nuclear Fuel Complex (NFC)
ECIL Post, Hyderabad-500062
Special Recruitment Drive for SC/ST/OBC
Applications are invited for preparing the pannels against existing and anticipated vacancies for the following posts :
1. Stipendiary Trainee - Cat. I : 08 posts (Mechanical-8, Electrical-2, Chemical-2) (SC-5, ST-3), Qualification: Diploma in respective branch of Engineering with minimum 60 % marks in Diploma., Age : 18-24 years as on 01/07/09
2. Stipendiary Trainee - Cat. II : 104 posts (Fitter-40, Electrical - 30, Chemical Plant Operator - 20, Lab Technician -5, Carpenter - 3, Plumber-1, Mason-3, Building Construction-2 (all OBC)) , Qualification : HSC or SSC minimum 50% marks in Science and Maths put together + Trade certificate in ITI., Age : 18-22 years as on 01/07/09.
Training Period: Trainee Cat.-I - 1 year, Cat-II - 2 years.
Stipend : Cat-I: Rs.9300/- per month and for Cat.II : Rs.6200/- PM for first year and Rs.7200/- for second year.
How to Apply: Application in prescribed format in an envlope superscribed with "Application for the post of Stipendiary Trainee Cat...... in NFC against Advertisement No. NFC/01/2009" and should be sent to the Assistant Personnel Officer, Recruitment-I, Aadhar building, Nuclear Fuel Complex, ECIL Post, Hyderabad -500062 so as to reach by 04/07/2009.
Please visit http://www.nfc.gov.in/html-employment.htm for detailed information and application form etc.Labels: India Govt. Jobs