Applications are invited on plain paper, with supporting documents for the following posts. Qualification and pay scales are as per AICTE norms.
Professors Post: Electronics & Commn., Telecommn., Electrical & Electronics, Computer Science and Information Science & Engg.
Lecturers Post: Electronics & Commn., Electrical & Electronics Computer Science and Information Science Engg.
Employer Name: Jawaharlal Nehru National College of Engineering
Employer Address: Applications should reach the Principal on or before 29-07-09. Interview will be held on 30-07-09 for selected candidates. Jawaharlal Nehru National College of Engineering, Navule, Shivamogga - 577 204,Karnataka.
Phone: 08182-276707
Required Education: As per AICTE norms
Job Location: ShivamoggaLabels: India IT Jobs