Scientist Gr.IV (1): 06 Posts
( SC:01, ST:02, OBC:02 & PWD :01)
Pay Scale /Pay Band of Rs.15600-39100 (PB-3) with Grade Pay Rs.5400/- [T.E. = Rs. 33724 pm]
Post Code 001:
(01 post):
Information Technology Unit (Reserved for SC)
Essential Qualifications:
Ist Class B.Tech. (Computer Sc.)/MCA.
1. In-depth knowledge of Java and related technologies and industry-standard
2. Work experience in Web and database application software development using
Java technologies and development environment for web deployment.
Job Requirements:
Database Application Software Design & Development:
the incumbent would be required to develop, implement and maintain the software for business process automations like HR, Stores & Purchase, Accounts related activities and for scientific applications.
Candidates applying for the above posts should submit their applications on the prescribed
forms available on page 15 onwards OR obtainable from Website:
The Section Officer (Recruitment),
Central Drug Research Institute,
Chattar Manzil Palace,
Post Box No.173,
Lucknkow-226001 (U.P.)
by sending a requisition along with a self-addressed stamped (Rs.10/-) envelope of size 23x10cm by 28.08.2009 thereafter no application forms will be sent by post. The above posts are regular and carry usual allowances as admissible to Govt. employees posted in Lucknow.
Applications duly completed and supported by the attested copies of certificates and
testimonials should reach the address given below on or before 18.09.2009 positively.
Employer Name:

Central Drug Research Institute
Employer Address: Central Drug Research Institute, Chattar Manzil Palace, Post Box No.173, Lucknow-226 001(UP)
Email: Only by Postal