Applications are invited for admission to the Ph.D. Programme of the Institute in all disciplines of
Engineering & Technology, Science,
Architecute & Regional Planning,
Humanities &
Social Sciences,
Law and Managemnt.
Admission to reserved -category candidates will be done as per Government of India notification.
A limited number of Research Assistant ships and other financial support for attending conferences within India and abroad are a vailable as per MHRD norms subject to the conditions prescribed n the Institute regulations.
Application form Downloadable from :
should be sent to
The Assistant Registrar {PGS&R} IIT Kharagpur, Kharagpur - 721302 [W.B] along with a DD of Rs.500/* on any nationalized bank payable at Kharagpur latest by 30.10.2009.
Application form may also be obtained from the Academic [PGS&R] section w.e.f. 22.09.2009.
Post-Doctoral Fellowship
A limited number of fellowships are available to carry out advanced research in all the disciplines as mentioned above.
Interested can

didates having Ph.D.Degree may apply on plain paper for Post-Doctoral Fellowship in all the disciplines mentioned above.
For more details, please visit : or
Contact Deputy Registrar(Academic)
E-mail: or
Assistant Registrar (PG&R)
Ph : (03222)282052, E-mail :