Educational Qualification
i) Graduation from a recognized university with adequate working knowledge of computer, preferably 50% marks in Graduation
ii)Having a speed of 30 w.p.m. in English typing on Computer
Upper Age as on 31.10.2009
For UR candidates: 28 years
For OBC candidates: 31 years
Apply strictly as per the proforma given below along with one recent photograph:
(1) Name
(2) Post applied for
(3) Category
(4) mailing address with telephone number,
(5) date of birth
(6) educational qualifications – exam passed, name of the board/university, year of passing, percentage of marks secured and Dvn./Class
(7) Experience, if any - name of the organization, designation held, period of service, scale of pay with basic pay and total emoluments drawn, nature of duties
(8) Knowledge of computer
(9) Any other relevant information
The applications may be sent to the address given in the Company address column as per prescribed proforma so as to reach latest by 19th October, 2009.
Employer Name: Indian Institute of Foreign Trade (IIFT)
Employer Address: Dr. L.D. Mago, Registrar, Indian Institute of Foreign Trade, IIFT Bhavan, B-21, Qutab Institutional Area, New Delhi-110016,
Email: Only by Postal
URL: http://www.iift.edu/iift/extras/JC_P_08092009.pdf
Labels: India Govt. Jobs