Indian Oil Corporation Ltd. (IOCL)
(Refineries Division)
IOCL requires Medical Officers for its Refinery Hospitals
Online applications are invited from Indian Nationals in Indian Oil for following posts :
* Medical Officers : 14 posts, Pay Scale : Rs.23000-46500/-, Qualification : MS/MD in respective specialty with 2 years experience, Age : 32 years as on 31/10/09, relaxation in age as per rules.
How to Apply : Apply Online at IOCL website from 14/10/09 to 28/10/2009. After successfully submitting the Online Application, the candidate must take a print-out of the filled-in Application Form, affix a recent passport size photograph, put signature at the specified place and bring it at the time of Walk-In-Interview which are scheduled from 23/11/09 to 02/12/2009.
please visit for details and Online submission of application.