Steel Authority of India Limited (SAIL)Bhilai Steel Plant, Bhilai - 490001, Dist. Durg, Chhattisgarh, India
Bhilai Steels Plant, a steel plant under SAIL invites applications for the following posts of Operator-cum-Technician (Trainee) :
* Operator cum Technician Trainee : 50 posts
Application Fee : Rs.250/- in the form of Bank DD in favour of Steel Authority of India Ltd., Bhilai Steel
Plant payable at Bhilai. (No fee from SC/ST/PH candidates)
How to Apply : Applications complete in all respect must be sent to Post Box No. 16, Post Office Sector-1, Bhilai, Distt-Durg, Chhattisgarh - 490001 by 30/11/2009 through ordinary post . Envelop containing the application should be clearly superscribed "Application for the post of Operator-Cum-Technician (Trainee)".
Please view for details.
Labels: India Govt. Jobs