Naval Dockyard Apprentices School invites application for the post of Apprentice Trainee.
Name of post/ Duration:Apprentice Trainee (1 Year)
Qualification:ITI (Electrician/ Electronics Mechanic and Mechanic (Radio & TV)/ Fitter/ Instrument Mechanic/ Machinist/ mechanic Machine Tool Maintenance / Painter (general)/ Computer operator & Programming Assistant (COPA)/ refrigeration & Air Conditioning Mechanic/ Welder (Gas & Electric)
Rs.1240 (Ist Year)-Rs.1440 (IInd Year)
Name of post/ Duration :Apprentice Trainee (2 Year)
Qualification: Year) ITI (Carpenter/ Mechanic (Diesel)/ Plumber/ Sheet Metal Worker)
Stipend:Rs.1240 (Ist Year)-Rs.1440 (IInd Year)
Physical Standards: Height: 150 cm, Weight: 45 kg. Chest expanded: Minimum 5. Eye Sight: 6/6-6/9 (using spectacles). BP. Diastolic 80 (Maximum). Normal organs. Having no ear wax. Must possess tab immunization.
Selection process: Selection will be on the basis of written test, interview and medical tests.
How to apply:
Applications in the prescribed format along with copies of certificates showing details of educational qualification, age, mark list, caste, Ex-serviceman, physically handicapped etc. should be sent to The Officer-in-Charge (Apprenticeship Enrollment), Naval Dockyard Apprentices School, Naval Base Post Office, Vishakapatnam-530 014 (AP). A recent passport size photo should be pasted on the application form and must be signed by a Gazetted Officer. The duly filled hall ticket and self addressed postal cover (stamped worth Rs.5) should also be attached along with the application form. Last date for the application submission is on 25th January 2010.
Click here for details
Employer Name: Naval Dockyard Apprentices School
URL: http://www.davp.nic.in
Labels: India Govt. Jobs