Applications are invited from eligible candidates for recruitment to various posts in Directorate of Education, government of NCT of Delhi :
* Opening Date for receipt of Applications: 22/02/2010
* Closing date for receipt of Applications : 15/03/2010
* Place for submission of application in person or by Registered Post - "Reception Counter, (Ground Floor) Office of DSSSB, FC-18, Institutional Area, Karkardooma, Delhi-110092"
* Following specifications are to be strictly followed while submitting photograph with the application form : (i) Colour Passport size photograph (ii) It should be in Sharp Focus (iii) The name of the applicant and date on which the photograph taken should be clearly displayed within the photograph itself (iv) Black and White, blurred photographs will not be acceptable
Vacancies : TGT/ TGT (MIL) in directorate of Education
1. English (Male) : 124 posts (UR-64, SC-19, ST-9, OBC-32, PH-4)
2. English (Female) : 139 posts (UR-78, SC-20, ST-9, OBC-32, PH-4)
3. Hindi (Male) : 60 posts (UR-30, SC-11, ST-5, OBC-14, PH-2)
4. Hindi (Female) : 71 posts (UR-41, SC-11, ST-4, OBC-15, PH-2)
5. Maths (Male) : 92 posts (UR-50, SC-13, ST-5, OBC-23, PH-2)
6. Maths (Female) : 88 posts (UR-47, SC-12, ST-6, OBC-23, PH-2)
7. Natural Science (Male) : 89 posts (UR-48, SC-12, ST-6, OBC-23, PH-2)
8. Natural Science (Female) : 85 posts (UR-44, SC-12, ST-6, OBC-23, PH-2)
9. Social Science (Male) : 103 posts (UR-54, SC-16, ST-7, OBC-26, PH-3)
10. Social Science (Female) : 102 posts (UR-51, SC-16, ST-9, OBC-26, PH-3)
11. Sanskrit (Male) : 125 posts (UR-63, SC-20, ST-9, OBC-33, PH-4)
12. Sanskrit (Female) : 132 posts (UR-71, SC-19, ST-9, OBC-33, PH-4)
13. Punjabi (Male) : 10 posts (UR-5, SC-2, ST-1, OBC-2)
14. Punjabi (Female) : 11 posts (UR-6, SC-2, ST-1, OBC-2)
15. Urdu (Male): 08 posts (UR-5, SC-1, ST-1, OBC-1)
16. Urdu (Female) : 07 posts (UR-4, SC-1, ST-1, OBC-1)
17. Drawing Teacher : 131 posts (UR-17, SC-5, ST-63, OBC-46, PH-8)
18. Physical Education Teacher : 127 posts (UR-51, ST-21, OBC-55)
For Application forms, Complete details, Scheme, examination schedule, General instructions, fee concession to specified categories of candidates and Syllabus of Examination for the advertisement no. 01/2010, please visit the DSSSB's Website http://dsssb.delhigovt.nic.in