Online applications are invited by the The Punjab State Agricultural Marketing Board, Chandigarh for the following posts:
* Auction Recorder : 142 posts
Pay Scale- Rs. 10300-34800 + 3200/- Grade Pay
Qualification- Graduate
*Clerk : 224 posts
Pay Scale- Rs. 5910-20200+ 1900/- Grade Pay
Qualification- Graduate, Must qualify in a typewriting test in Punjabi language @30 words/minute.
Date of receiving online application forms: 23/05/2011- 06/06/2011 up to 5 p.m.
For more details on recruitment procedure, qualifications etc. please visit: details:
Punjab State Agricultural Marketing Board (Mandi Board)
S.C.O. No. 149-52, Sector 17-C, Chandigarh.