International Institute for Population Sciences Admission 2009
Govandi Station Road, Deonar,
Mumbai - 400 088,
Phone: 022-25584012,
Fax: 022-25563257,
The International Institute tor Population Sciences, Mumbai, offers courses in Population Studies through distance education mode.
The teaching programme is designed to reach out to a large number of Government and non-Government Officials involved in the health, family planning and to persons working / intending to work in population related programmes.The programme aims to reach candidates working in India as well as in ESCAP / SAARC region countries at various levels, who can be trained without dispensing with their regular duties. Other candidates meeting the eligibility criteria may also apply.The Institute invites applications for admission to following courses:1. Master in Population Studies (MPS) - Intake for 16th batch2. Diploma in Population Studies (DPS) - Intake for 3rd batchEligibility : MPSMaster's degree in any of the social science subjects/ Mathematics/Statistics/ Health or Medicine Sciences/other allied sciences. Preference will be given to those having experience in population/health related areas.DPS : Bachelor's degree or equivalent of an acceptable standard from any Indian/ foreign university. Preference will be given to those having experience in population/ health related areas.Download Application Form: MPS / DPS Submission of Application Form:The completed application forms should be submitted to:The Head, Department of EMS & DE,International Institute for Population Sciences,Govandi Station Road, Deonar,Mumbai - 400 088.Along with attested copies of mark sheet & degree certificate and experience certificate (if applicable).The form should be accompanied with a processing fee of Rs.400/- through Demand Draft drawn in favour of Director, MPS, payable at Mumbai.Foreign students are required to send a DD of $25 as processing fee. (SC/ST candidates are exempted from paying the processing fee).Last date for request of Application Forms: July 20,2009
Last date for submission of completed Application Forms: July 31, 2009
Labels: India Admission Resource