Computer Architecture and Organization
Paper: CSE-202E
Time--Three Hours][Maximum Marks--100
Note:- attempt any five questions in all, selecting at least one from each unit.
Unit -1
1. a)Explain Von-Neuman model of computer. 6
b)explain multilevel viewpoint of machine. 6
c)what is MIPS? how it is used to measure the performance of a computer? 8
2. a) an instruction is stored at location 300 with its address field at location 301. the address field has the value 400. A processor register R1 contains the number 200. evaluate the effective address if the addressing mode of the instruction is:
i. direct
ii. immediate
iii. relative
iv. register indirect
v. index with R1 as the index register 10
b) compare and contrast RISC and CISC . 10
Unit --2
3. a) what are various techniques of microinstruction sequencing? explain. 10
b)discuss the various instruction set formats. 10
4. a) differentiate Hardwired and Microprogrammed control unit. 10
b) explain in detail general register organized cpu. 10
unit --3
5. a) why we need memory hierarchy? 5
b)what is virtual memory? how address mapping takes place in virtual memory? 8
c) explain working of a cache memory. why we need cache initialization? 7
6. a) what is content addressable memory? explain the match logic in CAM. 10
b) differentiate static and dynamic memories. 10
7 a) evaluate the expression X=(A+B)*(C-D) using
i. three address instruction.
ii. two address instruction.
iii. one address instruction.
iv. zero address instruction. 8
b) discuss priority interrupts. explain different methods for establishing priorities in detail. 12
8. write short notes on:
a) DMA
b)Superscalar Processing
c) instruction cycle.
d) parallelism. 20Labels: India Question Papers