Uttar Pradesh State Chhatrapati Shahu Ji Maharaj University AUDITING(B.Com-II Year) Question paper, 2007

B.Com.(Part II) EXAMINATION,2009

Attempt both Question(5 marks each)

Q1:Explain the meaning of Auditing and write its importance.
Q2:Suramyan is a member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of England.Is she qualified as auditor of the Indian Companies ? Give your comments.

Attempt any 15 Question(2 marks)

Q3:What are the limitations of Auditing?
Q4:Discuss the difference between Auditing and Investigation.
Q5:What is the difference between Periodical Audit and Continous Audit?
Q6:What is Audit Working Paper?
Q7:What is the difference between Routine checking and Intensive checking?
Q8:How would you make the internal check of stores?
Q9:What is the difference between Internal control and Internal check?
Q10:State the duties of Auditor in connection with valuation of shares.
Q11:How wasting asstes are valued?
Q12:What is the difference between verification and valuation?
Q13:How would you verify the patent?
Q14:What are the duties of an Auditor in respect of income of Secret Reserve?
Q!5:Distinguish between capital income and revenue income
Q16:What is Financial Audit?
Q17:How is an Auditor appointed by shareholders?
Q18:What is the difference between clean report and qualified report?
Q19:Discuss the duties of an Auditor in respect of Dividend and Bonus.
Q20:A part of share premium utilised to declare 40% dividend.Is it right? Give your comments.
Q21No depreciation provided on a machinery costing Rs.50 lakhs imported three years back.Is it right?Give your comments.
Q22:An auditor finds at the time of audit of the company that 40% of profit is given as commossion to the manager of the company.What should he do in this regard?

Attempt any one Question(10 marks)

Q23:"Vouching is the essence of auduiting."Explian.
Q24:what do you understand by verification of Assets and liabilities? What points should be included in the verification of Assets?


News Guru: Uttar Pradesh State Chhatrapati Shahu Ji Maharaj University AUDITING(B.Com-II Year) Question paper, 2007


Uttar Pradesh State Chhatrapati Shahu Ji Maharaj University AUDITING(B.Com-II Year) Question paper, 2007

B.Com.(Part II) EXAMINATION,2009

Attempt both Question(5 marks each)

Q1:Explain the meaning of Auditing and write its importance.
Q2:Suramyan is a member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of England.Is she qualified as auditor of the Indian Companies ? Give your comments.

Attempt any 15 Question(2 marks)

Q3:What are the limitations of Auditing?
Q4:Discuss the difference between Auditing and Investigation.
Q5:What is the difference between Periodical Audit and Continous Audit?
Q6:What is Audit Working Paper?
Q7:What is the difference between Routine checking and Intensive checking?
Q8:How would you make the internal check of stores?
Q9:What is the difference between Internal control and Internal check?
Q10:State the duties of Auditor in connection with valuation of shares.
Q11:How wasting asstes are valued?
Q12:What is the difference between verification and valuation?
Q13:How would you verify the patent?
Q14:What are the duties of an Auditor in respect of income of Secret Reserve?
Q!5:Distinguish between capital income and revenue income
Q16:What is Financial Audit?
Q17:How is an Auditor appointed by shareholders?
Q18:What is the difference between clean report and qualified report?
Q19:Discuss the duties of an Auditor in respect of Dividend and Bonus.
Q20:A part of share premium utilised to declare 40% dividend.Is it right? Give your comments.
Q21No depreciation provided on a machinery costing Rs.50 lakhs imported three years back.Is it right?Give your comments.
Q22:An auditor finds at the time of audit of the company that 40% of profit is given as commossion to the manager of the company.What should he do in this regard?

Attempt any one Question(10 marks)

Q23:"Vouching is the essence of auduiting."Explian.
Q24:what do you understand by verification of Assets and liabilities? What points should be included in the verification of Assets?



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