Near Indira Bridge, Bhat Village, Gandhinagar - 382428 (Gujarat)
Advertisement No. 09/ITER-India/2009
The Institute for Plasma Research is a premier scientific institute under the Department of Atomic Energy; Govt. of India. IPR invites application for the following posts for ITER :
1. Chief of Accounts & Financial Advisor :
2. Senior Administrative Officer
3. Senior Purchase & Stores Officer
4. Senior Accounts Officer
5. Administrative Officer
6. Purchase & Stores Officer
7. Assistant Officer- Accounts
8. Assistant Officer-Purchase & Stores
9. Assistant (Cashier)
10. Assistant - Administration
11. Assistant - Purchase & Stores
Age : upto 35 years. Relaxation as per rules.
How to Apply : Completed Applications with required details and attested copies of certificates should be sent to: The Chief Administrative Officer, Institute for Plasma Research,
Nr. Indira Bridge, Bhat village, Gandhinagar, Gujarat - 382428 within 30 days and envelope should be superscribed, “Application for the Post of……………, Advt. No………………” :
For more information and Application Format, kindly view