Alagappa University invites applications admission to the following programme offered through Distance Education for the year 2009-10.
Undergraduate Programmes: 3 years.
Post Graduate Programmes : 2 years
Integrated Programmes
Post Graduate Diploma Programmes 1 year
Certificate Programmes
Lateral Entry Programmes.
Admission Procedures: There are 3 ways:
The candidate may seek admission either directly to the University or through any one of the approved Study Centres. The list of Approved Study Centres is given in the Website Click here
If the candidates enroll directly with the University, the Course Materials shall be directly sent to them and they have to attend the Contact Classes and Examinations at Karaikudi only.
If candidates enroll through Study Centres, the Course Materials shall be sent through the Study Centres and they have to attend the Contact Classes arranged by the Study Centres at their places.
The students needs to send a demand draft for the prescribed total fees drawn in favour of the Director, DDE, Alagappa University, payable on any bank at Karaikudi. (Refer to Annexure-I for fee details)
To know the Fees : Click here
The last date to reach the application is 31st Aug 2009.
For more details:
Phone : 04565-228098
Email : alagappadde@yahoo.co.in
Website: http://www.alagappauniversity.ac.in
For more details, visit http://www.alagappauniversity.ac.in/dde/eligibility.htmlLabels: India Admission Resource