University of Delhi (DU)
Delhi – 110007
Advt. No.: Estab.IV/215/Arts./2009
Faculty Positions at the University of Delhi
A number of faculty positions, at the level of Assistant Professor, Associate Professor and Professor are available in the postgraduate departments of Commerce, Financial Studies, Education, Law, Management Studies, Music and Business Economics :
1. Professor : 57 posts
2. Associate Professor : 102 posts
3. Assistant Professor : 104 posts
Pay Scales :
1. Professor: Rs. 37400-67000 (PB-4) AGP Rs. 10000
2. Associate Professor: Rs. 37400-67000 (PB-4) AGP Rs. 9000
3. Assistant Professor: Rs. 15600-39100 (PB-3) AGP Rs. 6000
How to Apply : Completed applications in the prescribed format . The last date for submission of application to the Registrar, University of Delhi-110007 is 25/09/2009.
Please view detailed advertisement, application form, annexures, instructions etc. at http://www.du.ac.in/advt.html (first advertisement)
Labels: India Faculty Jobs