Sl. No. 4.
Name of the post
Personal Assistant
Pay band and Grade Pay
15600-39100 5400
No. of posts 1
Persons holding the post of Personal Assistants or Stenographer Gr.III with five years of continuous service.
For more details and application format, please visit our website: www.cuk-edu.in or contact through e-mail: cukgod@gmail.com or by post on sending self-addressed stamped envelope. The envelope containing application form should super scribe the advertisement number and the post applied for.
No.CUK/Advt-2/2009 Dated, the 30th July, 2009
Persons with utmost sincerity and commitment in building up a new institution may apply in the prescribed format to the Officer on Special Duty (Adm) within August 26, 2009 along with processing fee of Rs.300/- (for teaching positions)/Rs.200/- (for administrative positions) (SC/ST candidates exempted) in the form of DD drawn in favour of Central University of Kerala payable at Kasaragod.
Employer Name: Central University of Kerala
Employer Address: BKM Towers, Nayanmar Moola Vidyanagar P O, Kasaragod – 671 123 Kerala India
Email: Only by Postal
URL: http://www.cuk-edu.in/notification.htm
Phone: +91 (0499) 4256420
Labels: India Govt. Jobs