Sl. No.: 13
Discipline: Finance & Accounts
Posts: 14
Minimum Essential Qualification
Graduate Degree with ICWA / CA or MBA with specialization in Finance.
Eligible applicants would be required to apply Online (on the Internet) only through the link ‘Apply Online’ on ONGC’s website: www.ongcindia.com. No other mode of application shall be accepted.
1. Before registering/submitting their applications on the website the candidates should possess the
a) Valid E-mail ID.
b) A facility to take Printout of the Challan form and Registration Slip.
2. The candidate can access the online application form at www.ongcindia.com. The online registration site would be open from 1000 hours on 16.09.2009 to 2000 hours on 30.09.2009. All correspondence with
candidates shall be done through E-mail only. All information regarding examination schedule/admit card/interview call letters etc. shall be provided through E-mail. Responsibility of receiving, downloading
and printing of admit card/ call letter shall be that of the candidate. ONGC will not be responsible for any loss of E-mail sent, due to invalid/wrong E-mail ID provided by the candidate or delivery of Emails to spam/bulk mail folder etc.
After “Submitting” online application, candidate is required to download the system generated Registration Slip with unique Registration Number, space for photograph, signature and other details.
The candidate is required to take a printout of the Registration Slip and affix the photograph, put the signatures as required and enclose the requisite documents.
The envelope containing the original registration slip, recent photograph (size 3.5 x 4.5 cms with white background) affixed and signed, signature in the space provided along with ONGC’s copy of the challan with bank seal and a self attested copy of Caste/ Disability certificate (for reserved category only) superscribed with GT-2009 (Discipline) & GEN/OBC/SC/ST/PC/Departmental as the case may be, is to be sent, by ORDINARY POST (since post box do not accept registered posts ) to the address given in the address column so as to reach latest by 06.10.2009. ONGC will not be responsible for any postal delay/loss.
a) Registration start Date 16.09.2009, 1000 hrs.
b) Last date for registration 30.09.2009, 2000 hrs.
c) Last date for receiving registration slip with enclosures 06.10.2009, 1700 hrs.
d) All India Written Test in 8 Cities 25.10.2009
Employer Name: Oil and Natural Gas Corporation Ltd. (ONGC)
Employer Address: PO Box No. 453, Basavanagudi, Head Post Office, Bangalore-560 004
Email: Only by Postal
URL: http://www.ongcindia.com/recruitment/GT_09.pdf
Labels: India Govt. Jobs