Post Code: 05
Name of Post: Fire Inspector
Grade (IDA) in Rs.(Provisional)Likely to be revised: 6200-225-9575
**No of vacancies including reserved categories(SC/ST/OBC/EXS /PWD): 03
Education Qualification/Experience: 03
Science Graduate with Physics / Chemistry / Mathematics (three years course) from a Govt. Recognized University, with Fire-sub Officer course from National Fire Service College, Nagpur (Ministry of Home Affairs, Govt of India) with a minimum of 65% marks.
Age between as on 01.07.2009 18 to 28 Years
(i.e. born not earlier than 2.7.1981 and not later than 1.7.1991
Medical Standards as per Indian Rly. Medical Manual.
(Brief details of medical standard are available at DMRC’s Web site)
Aye-One & Minimum Physical Standards – Height-167 cms, Weight-51 kg, Chest-81 cms & 86 cms expanded.
The Job profile of Fire Inspector entails attending to fire/emergency and rescue calls, inspection of fire systems, internal inspection of fire fighting equipment, detection and also systems installed at all stations and depots etc in shift duty including night shift.
Eligible and interested candidates (including Ex-Serviceman and J & K domicile) can download the application form through DMRC;s website as per the instructions given therein. The printout of the filled up application form should be sent to the following address by enclosing a non-refundable crossed Demand Draft for Rs.300/- for General & OBC candidates and for Rs.50/- for SC, ST & PWD candidates (for processing cost only) drawn only on State Bank of India in favour of
payable at Service Branch, New Delhi (Code No-7687) indicating on the reverse of the DD, their name & address, e-mail, telephone no. if any, latest by 19.10.2009 through ordinary post addressed to the address given in the company address column.
The filled up application should be sent in the envelope super scribing on it prominently – “Post Code, Name of Post” Demand Drafts payable at locations other than Delhi / New Delhi will not be accepted. MO/PO or any other mode of payment is not acceptable. Candidates are advised to check the details of Demand Draft carefully, before enclosing it with the application Form.
Attach attested copies of Community/Caste Certificate in Central formats (SC/ST/OBC), Disabled Certificate for PWD, for seeking age relaxation etc. with the application. (All these formats are available on DMRC’s website www.delhimetrorail.com. No other format will be acceptable).
Employer Name: Delhi Metro Rail Corporation (DMRC)
Employer Address: DMRC Ltd., Post Bag No- 9, Lodhi Road, New Delhi-110003.
Email: Only by Postal
URL: http://www.applicationnew.com//dmrc6/advt.htm
Labels: India Govt. Jobs