Recruitment of Financial Service Executives LIC of India, (Covering States of Bihar, Jharkhand and Orissa) Invites applications for Recruitment of 33 Financial Service Executives LIC(FSE) on contractual Basis for 3 years and thereafter renewable subject to performance.
For details regarding reservation/relaxations, eligibility criteria, selection procedure, application fee, application procedure and application proforma, etc., please visit our website www.licindia.in/careers.htm.
Age will be calculated as on 01.10.2009.
Completed Application should reach the respective Divisional Office within
Employer Name: LIC of India
Employer Address: East Central Zonal Office Jeevan Deep Building, Exhibition Road Patna-800001
Email: Only by Postal
URL: http://www.licindia.com/pages/ADV_2009-10.pdf
Labels: India Govt. Jobs