Indian Oil Corporation Ltd.(Research and Development Centre)
Faridabad - 121007 (Haryana)
Applications are invited from Indian Nationals for various positions:
1. Research Officer (Grade A) : 11 posts (Petrochemical & Polymers-2, Catalysis -2, Triology-2, Chemistry-4, Automotive Testing -1)
2. Sr. Research Officer/ Dy. Manager Research (Gr. B/ C) : 03 Posts
Age (as on 31/12/2009) : Ph.D candidates - 32 years/ 35 years/ 38 years, M.Tech or ME candidates - 28 years/ 32 years/ 36 years
Application Form : Crossed Demand Draft for Rs. 300/- as application fee drawn on State Bank of India, Faridabad (Code 10449) in favour of Indian Oil Corporation Ltd., R&D Centre payable at Faridabad. Write name and address on the reverse of Demand Draft.
How to Apply : Apply in the prescribed format to Senior Human Resource Manager, IndianOil Corporation Limited, Research and Development Centre, Sector 13, Faridabad-121007 (Haryana) only by ordinary post so as to reach latest by 31/12/2009.
Please view for details and application form.
Labels: India Govt. Jobs