Rashtriya Madhyamik Shiksha Abhiyan Authority - RMSA (Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan, Punjab), SCO 104-106, Sector 34-A, Chandigarh invites applications
Applications are invited by State Project Director, RMSA under the Centrally Sponsored Scheme of Financial Assistance of Language teacher (Hindi Teacher for all Districts and Urdu Teacher for only District Sangrur of Punjab :
1. Hindi Teacher at Secondary level : 455 posts, Consolidated Pay : Rs. 16500
2. Primary Urdu Teacher : 32 posts, Consolidated Pay : Rs. 14000
3. Upper Primary Urdu Teacher : 09 posts, Consolidated Pay : Rs. 16500/-
4. Upper Primary Urdu Teacher : 09 posts, Consolidated Pay : Rs. 16500/-
5. Urdu Teacher at Sr. Secondary Level : 01 post, Consolidated Pay : Rs. 18500/-
Appointment shall be made in the ratio 50: 50 between male and female candidates
Age Limit: Between 18 and 42 years as on 1st Jan. 2010. (01.01.2010). Age relaxation as per the rules of Punjab Government.
Reservation will be as per applicable law & Punjab Govt. policy guidelines
Application Fee : Rs. 250/- for General Category and Rs. 125/- for Scheduled Caste Candidate in the Name of Sate Project Director, RMSA in Saving Account No. 65076743127 [Application Fee Account] with any branches of STATE BANK OF PATIALA across Punjab or Chandigarh.
How to Apply : Apply online from 14/01/2010 to 04/02/2010 upto 5:00 PM at http://www.cdacmohali.in/
Please view http://www.ssapunjab.org/sub%20pages/Media/Advertisement_RMSA_Hindi_Urdu_Teachers.doc for all the details.
Labels: India Govt. Jobs