High Court of Madhya Pradesh (MP), Jabalpur, MP, Website : http://www.mphighcourt.nic.in/
Recruitment of Stenographer, Clerk Steno and Assistant Grade-3
Applications are invited from eligible Indian Citizens for appointment of following posts in the courts situated in MP :
* Stenographers : 32 posts, Pay Scale : Rs.5200-20200 grade pay Rs.2800
* Clerk Steno : 179 posts, Pay Scale : Rs.5200-20200 grade pay Rs.1900 plus Spl. Pay Rs.125/-
* Assistant Grade-III : 483 posts, Pay Scale : Rs.5200-20200 grade pay Rs.1900
Age : 18-35 years. Relaxation as per rules.
How to Apply : The application (typed in foolscap size paper) in prescribed format reach the Office of District and Session Judge of concerned District where candidate want to appear for the examination on or before 15/02/2010.
Please view http://www.mpinfo.org/mpinfonew/rojgar/2009/2812/high_court_jabalpur.pdf for details and http://www.mpinfo.org/mpinfonew/rojgar/2009/2812/high_court_jabalpur_application.pdf for application form.
Labels: India Govt. Jobs