Essential Qualification:
First class Graduation in any discipline with Pass in the Final Company Secretaryship
Examination conducted by the Institute of Company Secretaries of India (ICSI).
Preference will be given to ACS qualified candidates with Law degree, having relevant work experience.
Compensation & Benefits:
The above post is in the Scale of Pay of Rs.23000 – 46500 (Provisional) in entry Grade “A” in Supervisory cadre. In addition to the Basic Pay and Industrial pattern of DA, the other allowances / benefits include HRA / Self-Lease, PF, Gratuity, LTC / LFA, Reimbursement of Medical expenses and other benefits including Superannuation benefits, etc., would be provided according to the rules of the Company.
Age Limit:
Maximum 30 years as on 31st March 2010.
Employer Name: Chennai Petroleum Corporation Limited (CPCL)
Employer Address: CPCL, Post Box No.1, Manali, Chennai 600 068
Email: Only by Post
URL: http://www.cpcl.co.in/advertisement-2010/Advertisement%20Copy.pdf
Labels: India Govt. Jobs