Age Limit: For the posts mentioned at Sl.No.1: 18-35 Yrs, For remaining posts: 18 -30 Yrs.
Pay Scale: For the posts mentioned at Sl.No.1: Rs.15600-39100, For the posts mentioned at Sl.No.4 to 18: Rs.5200-20200(Grade Pay: 2800), For the posts mentioned at Sl.No.20 to 23: Rs.5200-20200(Grade Pay: 2000)
How to apply
The application in the prescribed format should be submitted to the Sr.Admn.Officer, E.II(T) Section, National Dairy Research Institute(ICAR), Karnal-132001 within 11th April 2010 accompanied by a latest pass-port size photograph duly attested by Gazetted Officer alongwith Examination fee (Non-refundable) of Rs.100 (One Hundred Only) for each post is to be sent in the shape of Bank Draft drawn in the favour of “ICAR-UNIT-NDRI” payable at Karnal with the name of the Candidate, post name & Sl.No. written on its backside. Candidates belonging to SC/ST & PH are not required to pay any fee. The envelope containing the application form should super-scribed in bold letters as “Application for the post of____________________, Sl.No.________________ as the case may be. Separate application should be submitted for each post and Serial No. of other posts if, applied for be given in each application form in the column provided with prescribed fee.
Click here for details
Labels: India Govt. Jobs