We are looking for Customer Care/ A R Caller who got good communication skills.
Description : Calling insurance companies in US for claims status
For further details call Sariths at 040-23771258 or Mail your CV to sarithat@elicobpo.com
Desired Candidate Profile
* Should possess excellent communication skills.
* Must be willing to work in night shift.
* Must be willing to give commitment .
Walk-in at ELICO from 22/09/2009 to 1/10/2009 for a challenging career and enticing work environment.Contact:9502758559.
Name: Elico BPO
Employer Address: Executive Name: Saritha Address: Elico Ltd B-90, A.P.I.E, sanathanagar Near to Bharathnagar Railway station HYDERABAD,Andhra Pradesh,India 500001
URL: http://www.elicobpo.com
Phone: 91-40-23771258
Labels: India Jobs