Maharashtra State Power Generation Company Limited invites application for the post of Dy Fire Officer/ Asstt Programmer / Jr. Security Officer/ Steno Typist and Fireman.
Name of the Post:Dy Fire Officer
No of vacancies:2
Name of the Post:Asstt Programmer
No of vacancies:5
Name of the Post:Jr. Security Officer
No of vacancies:17
Name of the Post:Steno Typist
No of vacancies:05
Name of the Post:Fireman
No of vacancies:53.
Pay Sacle :
Dy. Fire Officer : 19205-780-23105-845-43385
Assistant Programmer : 15285-670-18635-705-36965
Junior Security Officer : 9570-325-11195-360-14795-390-27275
Steno Typist (Marathi) : 9570-325-11195-360-14795-390-27275
Fireman : 8040-155-8815-185-10665-220-15725
Qualification & Experience :
Dy. Fire Officer : B.E.(Fire) from any recognized University OR Graduate in any discipline with Diploma from N.F.S.C. Nagpur Science Graduate will be preferred OR Graduate in any discipline with Graduate ship of the Institute of Fire Engineers (India or U.K.) Science Graduate will be preferred AND Should have adequate knowledge of Marathi language. Possess good Physique as per the accepted norms of Fire Services. Vision-6/6 without wearing glasses or without any aid. Night or colour blindness shall be a disqualification.
Exp:- In case of B.E.(Fire) ,experience is not essential. Other candidates should have minimum five years experience
Assistant Programmer : Engineering Degree in Computer Science / Technology / Information Technology or 3 years post graduate degree in Master of Computer Application from a recognized University or an Institute.
Exp:- No Previous experience is necessary.
Junior Security Officer:-
Degree of a recognized university
Knowledge of Marathi is essential.
Physical fitness:-
Height- Not less than 165 cms(bare foot) minimum
Chest- 79 cms (without expansion) with a minimum expansion of 5 cms.
Exp:- Experience- Nil
Steno Typist (Marathi) :-
XII th Std. or equivalent (Graduate Preferred)
With a minimum of 60 w.p.m. in Marathi Typing.
He should be P.C. friendly and able to handle the Marathi software on P.C.
Exp:- No experience is necessary for those who possess Govt. Commercial certificates.
Minimum 2 years experience for others possessing certificates from other recognized Institutions.
Must have passed 10th Std. Examination of 10+2 system or equivalent qualification. Must have undergone a basic/elementary course in fire fighting from any recognized Institute/Defense Services.
Must possess valid H.M.V. driving license. Preference will be given to the candidates who possess additional qualification such as Fitter or Motor Mechanic. Must be physically fit as per accepted norms of the fire services.
General health condition should be capable of undergoing long physical strain resulting from the acts such as fire fighting and rescue of persons trapped. Vision-6/6 without wearing glass or without any aid. Night or colour blindness shall be a disqualification.
Exp:- No Previous experience is essential.
The candidates will have to appear for written test. The written test will be conducted tentatively during the month of November / December 2009 at centers viz. (1) Mumbai (2) Nagpur
Application Fee:
The candidates are requested to submit the demand draft of six month validity of amount as applicable to the post Details are give below
Dy. Fire Officer and Junior Security Officer Rs.500/- for open candidates and Rs.250/- for BC candidates.
Steno Typist Rs.400/- for open candidates and Rs.200/- for BC candidates.
Fireman Rs.300/- for open candidates and Rs.150/- for BC candidates.
as applicable to the post, payable to the Maharashtra State Power Generation Company Ltd. Mumbai drawn on any Nationalized bank
payable at Mumbai.
How to Apply:
Application in the prescribed format should be submitted to the Post Box No 8590 Kandiwali (East) Post office, Mumbai 400101 Only by ordinary post so as to reach on or before 30/09/2009
For details and application form visit:
Employer Name: Maharashtra State Power Generation Company Limited
URL: http://mahagenco.in/maha_Adv09-2009.pdf
Labels: India Govt. Jobs