JRF Jobs in these specializations: M.Sc. in Biochemistry/ Molecular Biology/ Biotechnology/ plant sciences.
Pondicherry University invited applications from eligible candidates with detailed biodata supported by duly attested copies of certificates for the Junior Research Fellow position in University Grants Commission project entitled “Identification of microRNA associated with plant regeneration capacity of different genotypes of indica rice” at Dept. of Biotechnology, School of Life Sciences, Pondicherry University.
Duration of the project: Three years
Stipend: As per DST guidelines
Last date: 23.10.2009
Employer Name: Pondicherry University
Employer Address: Dr. Lata Shukla, Lecturer, Department of Biotechnology, School of Life Sciences, Pondicherry University, Puducherry - 605 014
URL: www.pondiuni.edu.in
Phone: +91-413-2654564
Required Skills: Relevant research experience as evidenced by dissertation or research articles
Required Experience: Fresher / Experienced
Required Education: M.Sc. in Biochemistry/ Molecular Biology/ Biotechnology/ plant sciences
Job Location: Pondicherry
Labels: India Scientist Jobs