State Project Director, Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan Authority, Punjab invites applications for filling up the following posts for in various districts (block wise):
* Block Office Assistant : 45 posts, Consolidated Pay : Rs. 5000, Qualification : Graduate with six months computer course.
Age Limit: Between 18 and 35 years as on 1st Jan. 2010. (01.01.2010). Age relaxation as per the rules of Punjab Government.
Reservation will be as per applicable law & Punjab Govt. policy guidelines
Application Fee : Rs. 250/- for General Category and Rs. 125/- for Scheduled Caste Candidate in the Name of Sate Project Director, RMSA in Saving Account No. 65076743127 [Application Fee Account] with any branches of STATE BANK OF PATIALA across Punjab or Chandigarh.
How to Apply : Apply online from 14/01/2010 to 04/02/2010 upto 5:00 PM at http://www.cdacmohali.in/
Please view http://www.ssapunjab.org/sub%20pages/Media/Advertisement_BOA.doc for all the details.
Contact Details:
Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan Authority - SSA, Punjab)
SCO 104-106, Sector 34-A, Chandigarh
Labels: India Govt. Jobs